Moreover, if the Prez was committed to civil rights, he would have called for states to pass same-sex marriage legislation. He would have pushed to overturn Pres. Bill Clinton's disgrace, the Defense of Marriage Act. Certainly, Obama … [Read more...]
“Don’t ask don’t tell” suffers a near-fatal blow. Can Senator Kirk help deliver the coup de grace?
Fascinating report in today's Globe: An article in the Pentagon's top scholarly journal calls in unambiguous terms for lifting the ban on gays serving openly in the armed forces, arguing that the military is essentially forcing thousands of … [Read more...]
Hate Mail
During the Driving Equality trek, I receive two to three pieces of hate mail a week. You can pledge any amount you chose, whether it be $0.25, $0.50, $1, or even $2 for every piece of hate mail I receive from now until the end of the … [Read more...]
What must Obama do on GLBT issues to get your vote (with poll)?
In the poll, I'm assuming that federal workplace and housing protections will be easier than DADT, and that DADT will be easier to get done than repealing DOMA, so I assume that they will happen in that order. Please read the options and … [Read more...]
$25 MILLION down the drain because of homophobia
Decorated, 18-year-vet F-15 Fighter Pilot, Victor Fehrenbach, is being thrown out of the airforce for being gay, two years before he can retire with a full pension: Please watch that video. Everyone needs to watch it. This guy is amazing. … [Read more...]
This Daniel Choi business is bonkers, isn’t it?
So this guy's a West Point graduate who speaks Arabic, of all things, yet the military wants to drum him out because, well, he doesn't like girls. Yeah, that makes sense. We obviously don't need Arabic speakers in the military as much … [Read more...]
Obama Wants to “Change” Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
UPDATE: The word "repeal" has been restored on the civil rights page. But it's anyone's guess as to whether the change is in earnest, or to just shut up those damn annoying civil rights advocates. Until this week, Obama's … [Read more...]
HR 1283: Remember That Number! (dumping DADT)
Current list of co-sponsors Rep Abercrombie, Neil [HI-1] - 3/3/2009 Rep Ackerman, Gary L. [NY-5] - 3/3/2009 Rep Andrews, Robert E. [NJ-1] - 3/3/2009 Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 3/3/2009 Rep Berkley, Shelley [NV-1] - 3/3/2009 Rep Berman, … [Read more...]
Support the Military Readiness Enhancement Act (MREA), to Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
According to the latest from SLDN,It's not going to be easy to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." For every phone call or congressional office visit we make, our opponents are doing the same. As the Politico wrote Monday:"The new president's … [Read more...]
It’s Time to Dump “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” — A Voice Crying in a Different Wilderness
The same census data shows that almost one million gay and lesbian Americans are veterans. (Same reference). There are a total of 23.6 million veterans in the United States. This being the case, over four percent of our veterans are gay or … [Read more...]