Though Donald Trump has been a gift that keeps on giving to millionaires and billionaires, the Globe has an article on how billionaire Seth Klarman is now giving money to Democrats. Klarman's reasoning is... "The Republicans in Congress … [Read more...]
Say hello to the first Super PAC ad in the governor’s race
This past weekend voters in Massachusetts were exposed to the first negative TV attack ad of the still young 2014 state election season. The ad was paid for by the state independent expenditure PAC (i.e. Super PAC) of the National … [Read more...]
Another election flooded by dark money? Let’s hope not
Super PACs are quietly forming to influence the race for governor and other state elections in 2014, and if state lawmakers don’t pass a campaign finance disclosure bill soon, these outside groups will be free to spend unlimited sums … [Read more...]
A Plea for A Pledge
A new report by Common Cause Massachusetts shows that limiting outside spending in last year's U.S. Senate race in Massachusetts helped to increased electoral transparency, accountability, and fairness, and calls on the current Senate … [Read more...]