The title says it all - see story: does it feel to be exploited like a field worker in a 3rd world country by American neo robber barons? Is any candidate facing up to the way these corporate … [Read more...]
Edwards vs. Murdoch (& Hillary)
In the wake of the extremely regrettable news that Rupert Murdoch is indeed buying the Wall Street Journal ... I think John Edwards may have a nibble on the line this time: He's asking all Dem candidates to distance themselves from Murdoch … [Read more...]
Patrick’s debut on the national stage
Gov. Patrick will introduce the Democratic presidential candidates tomorrow night on the PBS debate, 9pm. Clearly, the party wants to show him off as the face of something fresh and new, and somehow representative of the Dems these days. … [Read more...]
Candidate videos from Take Back America
Just so you can know what the heck I was talking about, I'm putting all the videos of the speeches I saw in one place -- at least from the candidates that have a snowball's chance in hell.Here's Richardson: Here's Obama: Here's Edwards: … [Read more...]
Post-marriage vote backblog
Head still buzzing from yesterday's events. Some other stuff to keep an eye on:Continuing his barnstorming of the blogs, Sen. Kerry talks about the energy bill at Grist:The energy bill, as it stands, is not nearly strong enough, so there … [Read more...]
John Edwards and “those people”
HT to BMGer wahoowa, who notes the following excerpt from Bob Shrum's new book:In his new memoir, "No Excuses: Concessions of a Serial Campaigner," Shrum recalls asking Edwards at the outset of that campaign, "What is your position, Mr. … [Read more...]
Update: Romney still toast; random Prez musings.
MyDD's Jonathan Singer does a nice chart for us on some recent … [Read more...]
Edwards Moves Past Obama in NH
WMUR/CNN poll. Things are starting to get interesting in NH.Clinton 27 percent Edwards 21 percentObama at 20 percentFrom CNN.The poll's sampling error of plus or minus 5.5 percentage points means that Clinton and Edwards are in a … [Read more...]
“Some of the media, frankly, are dealers …
... peddling cynicism by tearing down anything positive and hopeful." -- Deval Patrick, 6/4/06This isn't regarding anything positive or hopeful, but could it be any clearer that Jon Keller has gotten into his own stash?I Hope We … [Read more...]
Edwards’ wife’s cancer has recurred, but he will NOT suspend his campaign
Elizabeth Edwards has experienced a recurrence of cancer. Apparently, it is located in one of her ribs -- it has moved from her breast to her bone. So, according to the Edwardses, it is not curable, but it is treatable. However, … [Read more...]
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