WBUR and MassINC released a poll today, showcasing voter attitudes about the various ballot questions to be voted on in November. The top-line results have been getting a lot of attention, with Yes on 4 garnering 50% to the No camp's 45%, … [Read more...]
Chomsky on Lesser Evil Voting
I just came across this and don't remember seeing it posted or discussed here, so thought I'd post it: An Eight Point Brief for LEV (Lesser Evil Voting) By John Halle and Noam Chomsky JohnHalle.com, June 15, 2016 (Note: … [Read more...]
Voters support marijuana legalization; Baker, Walsh, & DeLeo don’t
A new poll from Western New England University found that 57% of Massachusetts voters support the ballot question to legalize marijuana for adults over 21, with only 35% opposed. 7% remain undecided (1% declined to give an answer). Full … [Read more...]
Press Release: Boston Activists to Debate Bernie Sanders’ Candidacy
Originally posted at BostonSocialism.org Contact: Chris Morale FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tel.: (339) 203-9157 Email: … [Read more...]
Falchuk crows, but only a little, about the election
Although the polls disagreed, Evan Falchuk was spot on when he spoke with Left Ahead in September. He stated firmly that he and running mate Angus Jennings would get 3% or more as Gov./lG candidates this month. They got 3.3% He came on … [Read more...]