(Update from Pam: I just got a call from someone "in the know" who reports, and I believe it, that the ethics bill is close to being finalized, that both the House and Senate are cooperating, and that I will be very happy with the … [Read more...]
Trial Court Law clerks to be bought [oops – paid for!] by private law firms! See poll!
Now that he has eliminated guardian ad litems for education, Chief Justice for Administration and Management Robert Mulligan [a/k/a "The CJAM] has come up with another bright idea - his plan, which looks like it will happen - let the big … [Read more...]
Lehigh: Appetite for Destruction
In mad, dauntless pursuit of a conceit for his column today, Scot Lehigh trips over his own feet. How does one reconcile these consecutive statements?In part it's because the governor clearly lacks the appetite for the bold, tough … [Read more...]
Together we can?
Ryan found it in his email box first. Here's a joint statement from the Gov, Sen. Prez Murray, and Speaker DeLeo: “The news of yesterday’s indictments and the nature of the charges are deeply disturbing. All … [Read more...]
Thoughts on the DiMasi indictment
Well, we knew that his hands weren't exactly clean, and that he was too close to some folks that were pretty plainly trying to buy some influence. And we knew there was something fishy with the Cognos deal.This is what I wrote back in … [Read more...]
Reform AND Revenue – in Four Different Conference Committees!!
CONFERENCE COMMITTEES ETHICS BILL Ethics, lobbying and campaign finance reform bills (H 3856 / S 2052) are just heading into a conference committee. A brief analysis of the affect of the Senate's changes can be found on the … [Read more...]
Senate appoints ethics conference committee: Berry, Joyce, and Tarr
The Senate has just appointed its conferees to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of the ethics bill. The three Senators named are Democratic Senators Berry and Joyce, and Republican Senator Tarr. I did not … [Read more...]
Patrick threatens to veto the Senate ethics bill
Good. The bill the Senate passed, though an improvement over the debacle released by the Senate "Ethics" Committee (thanks in large part to the praiseworthy efforts of Sen. Eldridge), is still a step in the wrong direction. Why … [Read more...]
The Onion: Senate concerned that Ethics Commission has too much power. Oh wait…
I didn't realize that I subscribed to the hard copy of The Onion. But clearly I must, because I picked up the newspaper on my doorstep this morning and read the following: A Senate plan to bolster state ethics rules would actually … [Read more...]
Senate Ethics Bill-Good on Campaign Finance, Bad on Ethics
The Globe and Justinian ("Senate President Murray's Best. Move. Ever.") are right that the Senate ethics bill (here's the text and summary) released this morning has laudable campaign finance reforms and the Senate leadership deserves … [Read more...]