In response to the many strong comments, and Pam Wilmot's detailed post, I have to retract. The Prez seems to have given me some campaign finance gold, and I missed the ethics coal stuck in the bill. I haven't always been the biggest … [Read more...]
No Ethics Without Electoral Reform
Lots of talk on the Speakah's reform proposals. Lots of people applauded the Governor's reform proposals. I wasn't one of them, because it was mostly making already-illegal things more illegal. None of those ideas are bad, but if … [Read more...]
Wilmot Strikes Back. Not an epic fail-don’t always believe what you read in the newspaper.
OK, here's the tutorial. The Ethics Laws have three provisions that prohibit public officials from taking gifts, section 3, 23(b)2, and 23(b)3 of chapter 268A. Call it belt and suspenders. We lost the suspenders (section … [Read more...]
Hack test #1: DeLeo FAIL
Oy. DeLeo already wants to water down the gov's ethics bill: The proposal, DeLeo's first major initiative since taking office in late January, increases penalties for ethics violations but leaves in place what critics call a … [Read more...]
Gentry is alive and well and AIG is the poster child
I have slammed AIG and the government more specifically Tim Geitner for continuing this class warfare as I see it, the lack of understanding by them and these executives who just because of where they are and where they came from assures … [Read more...]
Hearing on Ethics Bill to Improve Faith in Government?
ONE Massachusetts Project Director, Yawu Miller, submitted testimony about the importance of passing this bill, and of adding a provision to the Act that would mandate that the disclosures submitted by lobbyists under the terms of this bill … [Read more...]
Daschle, convictions, and cynicism
The news of Tom Daschle's withdrawal from consideration for the HHS and health-reform-czar is deeply unfortunate. It would be hard to say that the chance of health care reform didn't take a hit.I am forced to wonder that … [Read more...]
Yes, yes pecan.
As the Examiner notes, in a campaign called "Yes Pecan," Ben and Jerry's will donate its proceeds from the sale of its butter pecan ice cream to Common Cause during the month of January. Additionally, the company will contribute … [Read more...]
The Ethics Gang Strikes!
This is cross-posted at Marry in Massachusetts. Frenetic AccomplishmentWe should all note that this is a masterwork under incredible pressure. The gang of 13 on the TF (no doubt with many minions doing research, legal and clerical work) … [Read more...]
Ethics task force issues 107 page report, see URL
Here is the link: It is 107 pages. I have not read it yet; turns out I am now facing out patient eye surgery [ouch] and reading and writing online are tougher than usual; I am hoping this will … [Read more...]