TPM's Josh Marshall flags this clip of Elizabeth Warren, Our Fair Commonwealth's Senior Senator, schooling Wall Street apologist CNBC anchors on the need for a new Glass-Steagall Act to separate risky investment banking from ordinary … [Read more...]
Why We Still Need Regulation
It has been a constant refrain emanating from the right, that there's too much regulation in the American economy and that its stifling growth and job creation. Well, I will be the first to say that where we find unneeded regulation, … [Read more...]
On Taming The Financial Beast, Or, Sausage Gets Made, You Get To Watch
Two cows are standing in a field. One says to the other, "What do you think about this mad cow disease?" "What do I care?" says the other, "I'm a helicopter." --From "Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar", Thomas Cathcart and Daniel … [Read more...]
President Obama Wades Into Mass Senate Race? President Obama met at the White House with Americans "who have been hurt by the outdated rules regulating the financial sector" and four state Attorney Generals who have been helpful to the Whitehouse's … [Read more...]