The Patrick campaign truly electrified Massachusetts with its rhetoric of transforming state government. I must confess I have been a bit disappointed at the lack of transforming rhetoric & actions since the inauguration. … [Read more...]
The State Church Movement
In the US, those prominently abusing this tenet are the fundamental Christianist evangelicals and the conservative factions of the Roman Catholic and Episcopal Churches.They have inserted their particular sect practices and beliefs in our … [Read more...]
Accountability in all three sectors
That got me thinking that that's what my new Accountable Strategies blogsite is about--the restoration of honesty, integrity, and ethics in the governmental, business, and nonprofit sectors. We do live in an age in which public confidence … [Read more...]
The End of America: A letter of Warning to a Young Patriot [new book]
My own family left our country of origin because to be a member of our ethnic group, our religion, had become a death sentence. I remember my great-uncle showing me the scars of bullets. Riders galloped through his village … [Read more...]
Budget Process Behind Close Doors
Open debate, especially about the state budget, not only benefits the public, it benefits the legislature. If the public sees that it is an open process, they will be less suspicious of the end result. No wonder people are fed … [Read more...]
A Culture Of Incompetence At The Department Of Energy
This careless dilly-dallying has harmed the environment and the drained pockets of Americans for far too long. According to the GAO, if you look at just the top 4 appliances where the greatest energy savings can be achieved through new … [Read more...]