I remember my father telling me about laying his body down in the street to prevent scrap shipments to Japan and Germany in 1936, because all the sellers thought about was profit. He told me he stated to the press and anyone who would … [Read more...]
Why voting out incumbents has become more and more popular -w/poll
Our banks are sitting on a trillion+ dollars but demanding 18% returns and so investing overseas, not in American businesses. Great for the stockmarket - but not for workers. And WE bailed these bloodsucking Plutocratic Neobarons … [Read more...]
Wall Street is whining and threatening.
Of course they are going to say that Obama's proposal to place limits on risk taking will ruin the economy. Don't believe it for a second. It's a lie. By limiting risk taking, Wall Street will have to go back to the old … [Read more...]
An opportunity to fight back.
Let's join Keith Olbermann's effort to form a nationwide coalition to fight against the Health Care Industry's attack on the people of America. It will be interesting to see the ideas Olbermann brings to the table. If we can all … [Read more...]
National Grid wants more money.
The cost of electricity and it's transmission is already way over the top. from wggb.com The largest electric utility in Massachusetts wants to use the extra $111 million in revenue to upgrade its electrical distribution system and … [Read more...]
Medicare Part E (Everyone in, no one left out) is finally on the table
June 10, 2009 The United States Congress finally puts "single payer"--improved and expanded Medicare-for-All--health reform on the table at the HELP Subcommitee (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions) hearing. Click link to view hearing on … [Read more...]
Casinos are going BANKRUPT all across the USA!!!
More about good old Greektown Casino: it pulls in a million a day, and it is sinking like a derelict row boat. See: http://www.freep.com/article/2... Casinos are not only no answer, but if there was a right time, it is past and … [Read more...]
Rich Executives Have Bled the Boston Globe Dry
NYTimes executives have kept the same salaries even as ad revenues have declined. Chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr, whose family controls the Times through a special class of shares, will earn about $1.09 million this year, according to a … [Read more...]
Massachusetts health care debacle continues to unfold–r/t $897Mil in new state spending in Chap58
btw I'm a nurse and a healthcare justice activist who's been involved in health system reform efforts for 20 years. In the spirit of full disclosure I've shared some observations about MA BCBS and Partners Healthcare that are germaine to … [Read more...]
Energy Plutocrats Celebrate Global Warming On Nov. 4th, 1:00 pm on Boston Common
...the number one contributor to the accumulation of greenhouse gases, but don't they realize they will be emptying our pockets er I mean reducing economic growth in Massachusetts by advocating change?"Lee Vemhangen, ultra-wealthy energy … [Read more...]