In the aftermath of 9/11, we saw thousands of workers develop devastating respiratory conditions and other illnesses as a result of exposure to toxic dust that filled the air in the days and weeks after the twin towers fell. To this day, … [Read more...]
Our Senators, the Climate Bill, and Tying Your Shoes with One Hand
Senator Rockefeller, for instance, said: "I am not here to deny or bicker fruitlessly about the science... In fact, I would suggest that I think the science is correct. Greenhouse gas emissions are not healthy for the Earth or her people, … [Read more...]
Who is the Worst Offender: The Climate Denier or The Complacent Staller?
This is a pivotal week in the clean energy debate. The Senate will vote on Murkowski's short-sighted resolution to take away the EPA's authority to regulate pollution. As we head into this critical time, it's not the … [Read more...]
Obama or Bust: We Need Leadership from the Top
If you look at any of the 24X7 news shows or even the Today Show, you will see everyone proclaiming that there is an anti-incumbent mood spreading across America. There is good reason to say that as evidenced by the size of Tea Party … [Read more...]
Numbers Game
I love that the president of the United States is asking us for our opinions. How refreshing is that? You can share your ideas by clicking here. I instinctively knew what I wanted to tell him, right away. In fact, it took much less time to … [Read more...]
100th Anniversary of Water Chlorination
Activist organizations like Greenpeace have access to a full century of observations on the results of water chlorination in the US, all the way back to September 26, 1908 when Jersey City, NJ became the first US city to chlorinate its … [Read more...]