Today's news that HP and Tufts will merge seems to be getting a so so response. However it is notable in a few ways. It belies the concept of "competition" since it is now clear that it is market share not a better product that … [Read more...]
Baker’s Big Lie That Got Away…!!!!
Charlie Baker continues to brag about personally saving Harvard Pilgrim insurance company....When challenged by the fact that it was state government assistance that made the rescue possible, Charlie the prevaricator denies, denies, … [Read more...]
Harvard Pilgrim’s Medicare Bailout & Health Care “Competition”
Medicare Advantage plans were created in 2003 under George W. Bush and a Republican majority in both houses of Congress to privatize Medicare: it allowed seniors to choose a private insurance company to manage their Medicare benefits … [Read more...]
Eric Schultz — Harvard-Pilgrim’s Gain, Worcester’s Loss
Eric is the kind of leader you wish there were more of in the corporate world, embracing the idea of stewardship and understanding the success of his or any company as a cooperative effort of everyone on the roster. His commitment to … [Read more...]
The irony that is [not] Charlie Baker
UPDATE: All stereotypes about bloggers and poor research -- in full effect here. A few days ago I asked how much money Charlie Baker's Harvard Pilgrim had made from the state's subsidized insurance program. Answer: Probably none … [Read more...]