With a Democratically-controlled Congress looming, the prospects for codifying net neutrality into law seem better than ever -- which will not stop Comcast, Verizon, et al. from doing their darndest to keep it from happening. The good … [Read more...]
Kerry Muffy Healey INTERNET COVERUP! (with poll)
If you search Google images for KERRY HEALEY BUSH or KERRY HEALEY CHENEY you get the same result.Nothing.No photos of Kerry Healey with George W. Bush.No photos of Kerry Healey with Dick Cheney.Nothing. Where are the photos? … [Read more...]
“Hands off the Internet” – Paid Shills Popping Up on Small Blogs?
Understand, the post I wrote was mainly about the FCC proposed rules changes (you know, the ones we already fought and won against three years ago). I just mentioned the Net Neutrality issue again because it's so crucial and I need to … [Read more...]
All Herald content is now free
Not that it was very hard to get around it before, but the Herald has officially ditched its "subscribers only" policy for opinion columnists. From now on, you can increase your blood pressure by reading Howie Carr, Ginny Buckingham, … [Read more...]
Internet Neutrality Act Update–URGENT
Delahunt Contact Info:DC officePhone: (202) 225-3111Fax: (202) 225-5658Quincy Office(617) 770-3700Toll-Free: (800) 794-9911Fax: (617) 770-2984Hyannis Office(508) 771-0666Toll-Free: (800) 870-2626Fax: (508) 790-1959 … [Read more...]
Markey on net neutrality; Murray on commuter rail wi-fi
Rep. Ed Markey's prepared statement on net neutrality: Good Afternoon. Tomorrow the Committee will take a historic vote. At stake, is the fate of the Internet as we know it.Tomorrow, I will be offering a "Network Neutrality" … [Read more...]