This site, not all by itself but with it's links does grasp the future far better than any mainstream outlet. Led to blacklisted news Frankenfoods-beware of nanotech additives, so new long term effects are … [Read more...]
Subterranean Blues
Notice the particularly chagrinned face of Bush in his press conference as he discussed the new intelligence analysis revealing that Iran stopped its nuclear weapons program in 2003? Wonder why Ahmadinejad proclaimed this latest … [Read more...]
Edwards in NH: “The poison fruit of corruption”
Edwards delivered his new remarks in an old fashioned New England Town Hall packed with at least 400 people maybe more and another 60 or so kids from nearby Phillips Exeter Academy sat upstairs in the balcony. We were all in a happy mood … [Read more...]
International Law and Iran
In my blog today I stated that Iran is a sovereign country and any attack upon it would be a violation of International Law according to the Charter of the United NationsThe Bush administration wants a dialogue to begin about attacking … [Read more...]
Warmongering about Iran, Cowboys and Blackwater, Military Commissions Act
In my blog today, Ed O'Reilly Blog, I discuss the decision by Secretary of State Rice, to implement simple "rules" rather than "rules of law" relative to private security agencies operating in Iraq, the Military Commissions Act if … [Read more...]
Sen. Obama on the Web and in the Union Leader
Sen. Barack Obama: Five years after Iraq war vote, we're still foolishly rattling our sabersBy SEN. BARACK OBAMAPosted at http://www.unionlead...ON THE FIFTH anniversary of the Senate's vote to authorize an open-ended war in Iraq, we should … [Read more...]
Are Americans Big Babies? Blame Bush
Since when do we not care about what the leader of a major regional power has to say, particularly where a war between his country and ours seems perilously close? And since when do we simply refuse to speak to people with whom we don't … [Read more...]
How I Learned to Start Worrying…
I was not just a Cold War kid by virtue of age; we lived in Dayton, Ohio, when nearby Wright-Patterson Air Force Base was a major operations and R&D center for the Strategic Air Command. It seemed like there were always military … [Read more...]
Mitt, Money, Iran and Embryonic Stem Cells
Mitt Romney's campaign released details of his wealth this week in a personal financial disclosure report filed with the Federal Election Commission his worth is somewhere between $190 million to $250 million. But that's not the … [Read more...]
Cheney to start a war — on his own??
Holy crap, can this be possible? It comes from a reputable blog -- someone who often has the inside scoop, Steve Clemons:Multiple sources have reported that a senior aide on Vice President Cheney's national security team has been meeting … [Read more...]