The money that the state provides to cities and towns for police and fire protection, parks, and other core local services is often referred to as general local aid (cities and towns receive separate Chapter 70 education aid to help fund … [Read more...]
Is President Obama finally getting it?
Does he now realize that corporate welfare will not generate significant job growth, but a strong healthy working/middle class will? In this letter to Congress, President Obama is urging "swift action on several critical priorities … [Read more...]
Murphy Wants To Be Aggressive Treasurer
While he and Grossman each propose a half billion dollar fund for such goals, Murphy would like MA to go solo on this. It would require making those safe investment decisions with the pension money, but a fund solely with state money … [Read more...]
Facing cuts, towns raise revenue
Faced with declining revenues, cuts to local aid and rising costs, many Massachusetts towns are increasing hotel and meals taxes as well as overriding Proposition 2 1/2 to raise property taxes.In Rockland, residents voted 2-1 in favor of a … [Read more...]
Another Option for Addressing Local Aid and Financing Our Schools
Today our debate on taxes is stuck in mud because it requires agreement at the legislature to either cut services, increase taxes or authorize local government to tax. In the absence of a resolution, our local cities and towns are … [Read more...]
State Senate releases its draft budget, with link
Here is the link: I am considering this a "draft budget" with heavy action in the amendments. Mandatory services, that are required by our constitution, are not fully funded. Core services to … [Read more...]
Preserving our commitment to education
You can read my views on ethics reform, here (PDF), on transportation reform here (PDF), and on pension reform here. But, even with comprehensive reforms and cost-savings, the impact of a FY10 budget without any new revenue would be … [Read more...]
Just so you know, the Mass House is broadcasting live again tonight, 4/28/09
Here is the link again: Consolidated amendments are flying down the shute - so far no surprises, though. I believe $200 million was added to local aid from the anticipated revenues from the … [Read more...]
Adrian Walker for the Win!
Just go read the whole thing.The clumsy way state government has approached this crisis speaks to a broken culture on Beacon Hill. Lawmakers avoid "tough" votes as if they were not elected to make decisions. Many spend entire careers in the … [Read more...]
Start Here Before Cutting Into the Safety Net
The Governor needs to find at least $750 million in savings to bridge the budget gap in this fiscal year. The Pioneer plan urges that he and legislative leaders start with emergency and targeted cuts that will save $311 million in the final … [Read more...]