Scot Lehigh caps an otherwise effusive column about Patrick's biotech plan with this clunker:One key, the green team told me, was the golden glitter of a corporate tax enticingly low by European Union standards. In that light, DiMasi may … [Read more...]
Jehlen budget event, 5/1
Berger led off by demonstrating that the budget had still not recovered from the tax cuts of the 90's; that the local economy could not produce the tax revenues now that it did in the go-go (bubble) years of the 90's. In fact, we're still … [Read more...]
Widmer on the “importance” of the tax panel
Speaker DiMasi's star appointee to the corporate tax panel doesn't think too highly of his assigned task.The June 15 deadline is too soon, according to one member of panel, Michael Widmer, head of the business-backed Massachusetts Taxpayers … [Read more...]
Pat Jehlen budget-show preview
Jehlen is extremely doubtful about the prospects of DiMasi's more coercive proposal to force municipal unions into the state insurance system, saving many millions of dollars for municipalities. I'm kind of surprised to hear that, but … [Read more...]
No Anti-loophole Champion?
I heard a disturbing piece of information from Representative Jones this morning on AM680. As far as Jones could determine, out of the 1400+ pork budget amendments, none were about shutting down the loopholes. Does the Governor … [Read more...]
Futures trading in closing the loopholes
David Eisenthal is a sensible, moderate sort who knows municipal finance. He strongly supports Patrick's plan to close the corporate tax loopholes. So does the Globe editorial page.He's set up a (fake money) futures market to test … [Read more...]