Both the Supreme Court's decisions to approve ObamaCare tax credits and the rejection of state laws banning same-sex marriage take ideas that were first implemented in Massachusetts and make it national law. So now it's official: The Spirit … [Read more...]
The SCOTUS Decisions Hammer Conservative Movement
The Court this week has delivered a series of devastating blows to America’s conservative movement with their second decision affirming the constitutionality of Obamacare, today’s decision on same sex marriage along with another decision on … [Read more...]
WSJ: “An Obamacare Plan Beats No Plan”
As spring arrives, when we turn to the Opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal, we find that Hell hath frozen over... An Obamacare Plan Beats No Plan The sudden withdrawal of the subsidies could put private insurance markets in as many … [Read more...]
AOL reverses course on benefit cuts – CEO apologizes to staff – Updated
Update: One of the mothers, Deanna Fei, has spoken out eloquently about her case, and I think Tim Armstrong will rue the day he opened his mouth: On Oct. 9, 2012, when I woke up in pain, my husband was at the airport about to board a … [Read more...]
FAQ: Why did the Connector need a new website? Why can’t they just use the old one?
With the continuing issues with the Health Connector/MassHealth enrollment website, we get asked the following questions constantly: The old web site worked just fine. Why did they need to build a new one? Why can't they just go back to … [Read more...]
Jackie Gingrich Cushman and the Epitome of Anti-Obama Animus
I was scrolling through the various commentaries on offer at yesterday when I spied one written by Newt Gingrich’s daughter Jackie Gingrich Cushman titled “Are We Sick of Him Yet?” Being all too familiar with the anti-liberal, … [Read more...]
What’s up with Elizabeth Warren and the Medical Device Tax?
Part of the money for Obamacare is supposed to come from a tax on medical devices. According to the New York Times, the Senate seems interested in repealing that provision, thus wiping out a dedicated funding source, which I assume will … [Read more...]
Can a Repeal of Obamacare Actually Help Obama in November?
This week the SCOTUS will decide on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act of 2009 (AKA - Obamacare). This may be President Obama's primary legislative achievement. Conventional wisdom says that if the … [Read more...]
On My Last Weekend, Or, Wanna Save A Few Trillion On Health Care?
So I disappeared for a full week, right in the middle of what should have been a busy writing schedule, and I have to claim some “personal days” to cover the time we missed here at the blog – but it won’t be time entirely … [Read more...]
RomneyCare/ObamaCare – Unconstitutional?
Federal Judge in Florida ruled today that ObamaCare is unconstitutional. Since BMG has the finest minds on the Internet (no, that's not sarcasm), I ask the denizens: is this likely to stand? Will ObamaCare implementation halt … [Read more...]