How can coastal communities mitigate and adapt to climate change while developing and prospering? Challenge deadline July 1, 2018 Challenge Overview Over 30% of humanity lives near … [Read more...]
Swiss Solar Boat (and French Polar Pod)
On June 25, the world's largest solar ship, the MS Tûranor PlanetSolar (, was docked in Boston and hosted a symposium on water and climate change, "From the Alps to the Atlantic." This 35 meter by 23 meter … [Read more...]
Quick hits
Rep. Markey proposes 85% reduction in CO2 by 2050 with a cap-and-trade program. Auctioning pollution credits would raise $8 trillion for renewables in that time. Wow.It's my impression that Sen. Kerry is likely to support the flawed … [Read more...]
Wind farms vs. unclean energy
A couple of wind-related items today ... First, Terry Murray takes care of business and sets the table to zone our oceans. This will hopefully give us some regulatory clarity for wind farm development and fishing vs. preservation. Good … [Read more...]