Jill stopped by to have lunch in Leominster with some local organizers. Thought I'd post a couple photos before heading back to town hall for the final stretch!http://www.zeeprime....http://www.zeeprime.... … [Read more...]
Polling Place Photo Project
As part of NewAssignment.net and the Polling Photo Place Project, I documented my voting experience at Curtis Hall in Jamaica Plain this morning.I voted at Curtis Hall.The workers at the check-in desk were very nice and recognized me from … [Read more...]
Kerry Muffy Healey INTERNET COVERUP! (with poll)
If you search Google images for KERRY HEALEY BUSH or KERRY HEALEY CHENEY you get the same result.Nothing.No photos of Kerry Healey with George W. Bush.No photos of Kerry Healey with Dick Cheney.Nothing. Where are the photos? … [Read more...]