Provincetown's Civil Rights Officer Sgt. Carrie Lopes is quoted as saying that the perpetrator's words and actions were not directed at a "specific individual" (as opposed to a group of gay men) and thus do not rise to the level of a … [Read more...]
The Law Enforcement Mess in Provincetown
This week's edition of the Phoenix takes the Provincetown Police Department to task for being part of the problem when it comes to recent instances of violence against gay men. They take square aim at the practice of putting summer cops on … [Read more...]
Multiple P-Town Hate Crimes Come to Light
The Cape Cod Times has reported that police are investigating two other likely hate crimes from this summer, in addition to the September 10th gaybashing of the New Bedford resident. http://www.capecodon... Anti-violence advocates have a … [Read more...]
Statement on behalf of the victim of the P-Town gaybashing
To the editor of the Cape Codder: In his zeal to denounce "inaccuracies" attributed to advocacy organizations defending the victim of a vicious hate crime in Provincetown, reporter Steve Desrouches presents incomplete and inaccurate … [Read more...]
Print Media Break Story of P-Town Gaybashing
The story of the September 10th gaybashing of a New Bedford resident in Provincetown broke first on the blogs, with Blue Mass Group among the websites drawing attention to the case. Now the weekly print media are out with the story. Links … [Read more...]
Provincetown Must Investigate Anti-Gay Hate Crime Aggressively
The Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project is concerned that Provincetown Police will not aggressively investigate the September 10th gaybashing where a New Bedford resident was found unconscious on the beach at 3 AM. Because the victim … [Read more...]