Election Day Registration:Election Day registration is already proven to be a success in Maine, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and several other states. It guarantees eligible citizens who can provide identification and proof … [Read more...]
Enfranchising the Vote in Massachusetts
From Act for Change:The Massachusetts legislature is poised to make history in the coming weeks. A bill to allow Election Day Registration (EDR) -- a measure that would protect every eligible citizen's right to vote -- is about to face a … [Read more...]
ACS Boston Lawyer Chapter Sponsors Panel On Reforming Election Procedures in Massachusetts
On Thursday, March 29, 2007, the American Constitution Society's Boston Lawyer Chapter sponsored a great panel discussion, entitled "New Ideas On Reforming Election Procedures: How Can We Make Sure That Everyone's Vote Counts?" at … [Read more...]
Election Day Registration – it’s not just for new voters
Sure, you can cast a provisional ballot, but will it be counted? What if you live in a different district? What if it's a special election? The district my friend moved into had a primary for state representative decided … [Read more...]