"ROUNDING THE GLOBE'-17: Critical analysis of Boston Globe education coverage This month's scoreboard-and a guest piece Today, the Globe got a little rounder but it still has a long way to go to get to round. Shiver me timbers, an actual … [Read more...]
‘ROUNDING THE GLOBE’-13: Is a new day dawning at my morning newspaper?
'ROUNDING THE GLOBE'-13: Critical Analysis of Boston Globe Education Coverage Is a new day dawning at my morning newspaper? Yesterday, this blogger who, like his many education reform nemeses, means only to do good in this world, took a … [Read more...]
Remarks Delivered at a Pioneer Institute Discussion (featuring E.D. Hirsch)
REMARKS AT PIONEER INSTITUTE EVENT, FEATURING PROF. E.D. HIRSCH, MARCH 31, 2010 I'd like to first thank the Pioneer Institute for inviting me to participate on this panel. It's highly unusual for a teacher (or, in my case, a former teacher) … [Read more...]
THE ‘ROUNDING THE GLOBE’ BLOG-7: Continuing Analysis of How the Globe Covers Ed Policy
BLOG #7: THE A PRIORI ARIA ABOUT 'STANDARDS' The blog concerns a Page One story in today's Boston Globe, entitled "State stands firm on school quality" (3/15). Written by James Vaznis who works the ed reform beat, the piece is one of many … [Read more...]
ROUNDING THE GLOBE 6: Does one right makes two wrongs?
She then went on to discuss the startling, new positions of education scholar Diane Ravitch, once an advocate and now a critic of testing, charters, standards, and school closings. Incredibly, the Globe has still not followed the lead of … [Read more...]
A Culture Of Incompetence At The Department Of Energy
This careless dilly-dallying has harmed the environment and the drained pockets of Americans for far too long. According to the GAO, if you look at just the top 4 appliances where the greatest energy savings can be achieved through new … [Read more...]