via TPM: The independent investigator of the Trooper-gate probe has released his report on Gov. Palin's actions in the firing of the police chief over a personal matter: Finding Number OneFor the reasons explained in section IV of this … [Read more...]
Rule of Law My A**
Taking a cue from the Bush Playbook, Attorney General Talis Colberg of AK indicated that... the employees would refuse to appear unless either the full state Senate or the entire Legislature votes to compel their testimony. Get picked for … [Read more...]
Palin’s Troopergate Scandal – Caught on Tape
Governor Palin has been accused of using her position to try to fire her ex brother-in-law, State Trooper Mike Wooten. From Electoral Vote: Initially Palin denied having any of her staff try to pressure the Dept. to fire him, but then a … [Read more...]