- The economy: merit versus privilege. Progressivesfavor fiscal prudence and long-term stability to reward those who workfor success. The rise in national wealth and employment during theClinton years are examples of what can be achieved under progressivemanagement. Since 1901 the DowJones industrial average has returned 9.1 percent annually underDemocratic Presidentsversus 6.4percent under Republicans. Regressives, mindful that they could not wina merit-basedcontest and cognizant they may some day lose power, favor policies thatyield immediate benefits for their faction: for example, an end toinheritance taxes, and no-bid contracts for favored corporations. Thelong-term consequences of their actions are immaterial sinceregressives couldnot thrive under any circumstances if they lost political power, andwill do fine so long as they control the public purse.
- Security: secure versus at risk.Progressives favor fighting to protect America, as inAfghanistan; alliances to make us stronger, as with NATO; and use ofour intelligence services to defend the country. Regressives put personal gain before national security: they favorfighting for profit and empire, as in Iraq; an end to treaties thatlimit their patronage opportunities, as with the ABM Accord; and use ofour intelligence services for domestic political advantage, as in thehunt for Texas legislators by Department of Homeland Security agents.
- Abortion: freedom versus slavery. Progressivessupport the freedom of women to make personal decisions about their ownbodies.Regressives want to force pregnant women to bear children, even younggirls raped by their fathers and women who will die if sent to thedelivery room.
- Marriage: encourage versus limit. Progressives want to encourage as many couples as possible to join in matrimony.Regressives want to limit marriage to heterosexualcouples.
- Religion: freedom versus persecution. Progressivessupport the right of every American to worship God as they deem best. Regressives want touse public money to support private fundamentalist Christian groups.
- Environment: public health versus individual greed. Progressives want topreserve our natural resources to protect our health and long-termeconomic growth. Regressives want to enrich themselves by transferringpublic resources to their friends regardless of the consequences forothers.
- Education: knowledge versus ignorance. Progressivessupport learning and medicine. Regressives are against both because they fear education will disrupt the status quo: theyoppose teaching about modern scientific theories, for exampleevolution; have restricted promising medical research using stem cells;and slashed funding for publiceducation.
- Guns: safety versus greed. Progressives supportcontrols on hand guns which help criminals kill thousands of policeofficers and citizens every year. Regressives oppose any restrictions on hand gunsales, even checks to prevent purchases by escaped convicts, rapistsand murderers, because they might limit gun company profits.
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Great!This is what we have to do to get the Democrats back. I hope that the DNC will take a page from the evil genious, Rove, and make sure that language plays important part in winning converts. The regressives have been so good at controling the language that every time you see a story about the war in Iraq on the news the first graphic you see inevitably has the phrase “WAR on TERROR” despite the fact that Bushes war in Iraq has nothing to do with any war against terror.