As we’ve already noted, Massachusetts – the bluest of the blue states, we’re proud to say – has the lowest divorce rate in the country. Now it turns out that the blues again put the reds to shame when it comes to teen pregnancies. Check out this chart, courtesy of It Affects You via Daily Kos:
Pretty dramatic (the numbers are births per 1000 girls age 15-19 in 2002). And these data are real – they’re from this CDC report, table B on page 9. Family values, anyone?
I mention the fact that the data are real to distinguish the teen pregnancy chart from this IQ chart that made the internet rounds a few weeks back:
Download 2004election_by_iq.jpg
While hilarious, this one is unfortunately a hoax.
Maybe it’s ’cause thur’s so many queers in them blue states.
I believe that’s right.