Fox’s TV show "24" has been one of my favorite shows for the last three years, and now it’s about to start its fourth season (Sunday night at 8 pm).
This year, though, some are seeing more in 24 than just a really good TV show. Frank Rich writes in tomorrow’s NY Times:
tune in, and you’ll return, not necessarily nostalgically, to the do-or-die post-9/11 battle that has been all but forgotten as we remain trapped in its nominally connected sequel, the war against Saddam Hussein. This show is having none of President Bush’s notion that Iraq is "the central front in the war on terror." In "24," the central front of that war is the American home front, not Mosul.
Interesting! Maybe Fox News will have to denounce 24, one of Fox’s last, best hopes to salvage its disastrous ratings, as part of the liberal Bush-hating conspiracy.
Also, a post at Kos about Rich’s column has generated some funny comments. For example (warning: adult language ahead!):
Heck just imagine if Bush only had 24 hours to save the country, by the time he had finished my pet goat, and cleared some brush we would all be fucking dead. [*]
In 24 hours, Bush couldn’t find his pants, much less actually solve a national security emergency. [*]
ken-michaud says
Why the hell does our “president” need to “clear brush” all the time? By the way, nice blog, I had been looking for a good one about MA politics – I live in Westwood.