Is the Massachusetts legislature ready to beat swords into ploughshares over gay marriage? As I’ve said before, this really is a time for the proponents of equal marriage rights to de-escalate, and try to lower the political costs for those who are on the fence. We’ve really got the upper hand now, since DiMasi is a marriage proponent, and while Travaglini seems to be a civil-union-not-marriage guy, he looks flexible on the issue. Also, bucking the national trend, Massachusetts voters elected a number of new pro-marriage legislators.
This will be interesting politically, because if and when the anti-marriage amendment is defeated, Massachusetts will be the one state where gay marriage is legal, and not because of so-called "activist judges".* It will be because of a gathering political consensus in this state that we can indeed live and let live. And that will be the first olive branch in the "culture wars": it’s not the state’s business if the Catholic Church (for example) rejects same-sex couples; and neither can the Church dictate policy to the state, to deprive gay families of their rights and responsibilities. I do not expect conservative folks to like gay marriage, or support it, or praise it. I do expect them to realize that not everyone is like them. That’s a pretty clear concept, and one that’s healthy for the Commonwealth.
Friends and families of gay people do not want to "win the culture war." We don’t believe in "warring" against our fellow citizens at all. We want to agree to disagree with those who do not feel that such relationships are legitimate. We believe that people are free to pursue happiness on their own terms.
So for now, I’m asking my reps, both of whom support gay marriage, what we can do to de-escalate.
*[I don’t actually believe in refuting all of the right’s silly "frames" anyway — that’s like herding cats.]
Hello, I just discovered your site, via “Romney is a Fraud”. Good work. Keep it up.Re: Gay Marriage. I am pro gay mariage rights but could not care less if it is called civil union or gay marriage. Neither bothers me as long as there are equal rights for gay partners. However, i do belive there is legitamate argument on both sides regarding what name we call this union. I am offended that many in the pro gay marriage movement consider those who favor civil unions but do not agree in calling it marriage as no different then members of the KKK. This attitude is elitist. I was against the anti gay mariage amendment, but because of this obnoxious atitude i am now in favor of the amendment.I know if the amedment passes (which it won’t)there will be civil unions and gays will have all the rights except for the name. A reasonable person can argue, whether you agree or not, that this is not a civil rights issue. A year ago gays would have been celebrating in this state if we had a civil union law. This new condescending attitude makes me root against gay mariage (still favor civil unions) simply because i find the movement obnoxious. Their attitude make me want them not to succeed. Regardless of the issue. The anti-gay rights lobby was always obnoxiuous, but to call moderates who favor civil unions but not gay mariage homophobes and biggots makes me say “screw you gay lobby”. In other words it is the message from the gay marriage lobby that is driving me away from it.To the gay marriage lobby i say “Stop it. You people make me sick. Not because you are gay, but because your self rightous attitude on an issue which blindsided most people in the silent majority is ignorant and anti intellectual. You are no better then Rush Limbaugh in you attacks on those who don’t support you 100%. Change your attitude and perhaps you will win more friends.”
I disagree, don’t change your attitudes.Settle for nothing less then equal rights, because history has shown that discrimination on any level cannot stop equality for winning out. Marriage should be about two people of legal age who love each other forming a legal bond. As a human being who is heterosexual, any thoughts on not allowing homosexual marriage would be a form of suppression over another human beings rights.When we all truly accept equal rights, we all win.