From the publisher’s note to Christine Todd Whitman’s new book:
The Republican party is embroiled in a heated and high-stakes battle between its far-right and moderate wings — with conservatives declaring open warfare on the moderates who ask themselves "Whatever happened to the party of Lincoln?" Bearing profound implications not only for the future of the party but also for the future of American politics, this momentous battle will rage on no matter what the outcome of the presidential election.
Uh, Christie … hate to tell you this, but the battle is over, as far as we can tell from the real world. If there’s any sign that the moderates have any sway in the GOP, we’d love to know about it.
The frustrating thing is that, as the conservatives have taken over the GOP, the moderates have taken over the Dems. This leaves mainstream liberals (though they often don’t call themselves such anymore) without a party.