In an apparent effort to make it more difficult for Mass. Attorney General Tom Reilly to bring his undeclared campaign for Governor to the internet, the Massachusetts Republican Party has registered several domain names that a Reilly campaign might want to use. (Hat tip: skronk.)
We were surprised to learn that the Mass. Republicans would stoop to such childish tactics, especially after His Excellency the Governor has been on such a charm offensive with the state Democratic leadership, even inviting them to dinner at his Belmont residence. So to see if this is really true, we went to a popular registrar (GoDaddy) and started typing in domain names that seemed like good candidates for a Reilly campaign site. Sure enough, we came up with two that are owned by Republicans: "" is registered to the Mass. GOP, as is "" No doubt there are more that we didn’t think of.
Memo to the Mass. Dems: "" is not yet registered! Act now!
UPDATE: Belated credit where credit is due: it’s actually the Boston Herald that broke this story (on the front page, no less). Also, some of our friends on the right agree that this business is …wait for it … Bush league. (Cue groaning.)
I called the dickhead who registered it, and asked him why he did it. He says they thought it was the “right thing to do.”