Boy, those cats at the Klub for Growth have a way with words, don’t they? Remember the anti-Dean nyah-nyah in Iowa? "latte-drinking, sushi-eating, freak show" etc.
Well, when they eat (and they do eat well at the Klub, don’t you know), they eat their own. (Thanks again to Josh Marshall, upon whose every word I apparently hang.) Their blog describes an NPR interview with Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (R) thusly:
"[a] nauseating exchange between a boot-licking radio jockey and the pork-loving, misinformed Boehlert,"
Where does this Klub for Growths meet? In a treehouse?
Too bad Governor Thongney doesn’t bring the Klub here. Republicans would be rarer than Shakers when they got done with their act. "Freak show" indeed.