Gonzales promises non-torture policy. ["Well why the hell did I nominate him, then?"]
Tune in tomorrow to watch the fur fly. He may get confirmed anyway (a forgone conclusion, according to many Dems). It’s yet more kryptonite to the notion of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way." You cannot get fired for incompetence or cruelty in this administration; indeed, it’s the official policy. At least he’ll have some explaining to do tomorrow … although what he really needs is a war crimes trial, since you asked, Josh. (David, any opinion here, as the resident legal expert?)
Also see this response by religious leaders to the nomination of Mr. Torture for AG.
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I know I said it was A-OK to rob a bank and drub out a few guards during the heist providing that a majority of the proceeds are used to benefit other robbers like me. But that was just an opinion based on some twisted high-falutin’ legal illogic. Now, excuse me, Senator. I need a short recess to read The US Constitution. It’s a very complex document, you know.However it seems that someone took my meanderings seriously and a few banks and guards went down in the process.But I never meant it. Really. And of course I would never do such a thing myself.I’d let others do it for me.And next time, I won’t write it down.