Al Franken is reportedly on the verge of announcing that he’s running for Senate in Minnesota in 2006. Those debates ought to be world-beaters. Can’t wait. (Hat tip: Kos.)
UPDATE: Right. Not running. Never mind.
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
Franken is completely milking this on his show. I can’t believe after all this he’s going to announce that he’s running. But who knows?
And he just announced that he’s not considering it.Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
thank god. his candidacy does nothing to promote the cause. just hurts it.
My impression was always that he wanted to run against Coleman in ’08. It’s personal with Al vs. Norm — especially as regards the Wellstone funeral in ’02.
My prediction is that after his Air America contract runs out, he moves back to Minnesota maybe writes another book and goes on a ‘listening tour’ a la Hillary Clinton in ’00 and runs in ’08.Of course, I also predicted that Kerry would take Ohio, so what do I know?