George Bush is such an extremist he even makes Pat Buchanan look progressive. From a recent solicitation letter by Scott McConnell, Executive Editor of Buchanan’s The American Conservative magazine:
‘While we’re beating the hell out of the Iraqis, Sharon and the Israelis are beating the hell out of the Palestinians every day. So we have an overwhelming media flow into the Muslim world of infidels killing Muslims. It’s a one-sided view, but it’s their perception. And unless you deal with what they think, you’re never going to understand what we’re up against.’ Michael Scheuer, author of Imperial Hubris.
"Dear Concerned American, Those 63 words are not Republican or Democratic. They are not liberal or conservative or neoconservative. Rather they succinctly and factually crystallize a mounting worldwide catastrophe, much of it of our own making. … [A] cabal of young zealots calling themselves neoconservatives has wormed its way into the highest echelons of government and hikacked American foreign policy. And the American economy. These are the neocon-artists. Quite simply, the crippling balance of trade is being ignored while the government is spending us into oblivion."
The danger, of course, is now Pat Buchanan has become a credible figure among those who are relatively new to politics but against the war. My brother-in-law (who has a brother of his own in Iraq) surprised us all by suggesting at Christmas that Buchanan was the kind of guy he’d like to see more of. He was completely unaware of Buchanan’s history of making racist and anti-semetic statements and his links to various hate groups through his former staffers.
“racist and anti-semetic statements and his links to various hate groups”1) Racist2) Anti-Semitic3) Hate groups3 words that have lost all meaning due to their constant over-use. The more desperate the PC-elites get to hold together the mess that they’ve made of the West, the more these terms are thrown around at anyone who dares tell the truth about the double-standard applied to those of European descent by their own governments. And in the end, the less of their original meaning that they are left with.sadly, these terms are used not only by the aforementioned elites, but by anyone retarded / naive enough to believe what they learned from MTV news or from Dan Rather. When will this mental illness: the self-hatred of whites by whites, be dispensed with?!?Sonntag is dead, let her idea of the white race as the cancer of human history die with her.
I like this entry, and this is a good discussion thread. I am glad that it seems that Mr. Buchanan is gaining in credibility, though the reasons for it (the problems of Iraq and President Bush’s foreign policy) are unfortunate. I think that it would be neat if not just traditionalist conservatives and constitutionalists, but also libertarians, moderates, and even some on the Left began to think about and listen to Pat… like they did in the past.