Joseph Wilson, husband of outed CIA operative Valerie Plame, has given an interesting interview to Daily Kos diarist SusanG. Most of the interview is about the fascinating investigation into fake reporter Jeff Gannon, who somehow managed to get White House press credentials (and who, unable to take the heat, has now quit). But Wilson had this to say on the question whether his wife’s identity as a CIA operative was widely known:
If it was common knowledge that could only be because the conspiracy to leak her name was broader and deeper than currently understood…. When the leak occurred nobody in our circle of friends or colleagues outside Valerie’s place of employment knew what she did for a living. If our closest friends and family (my brother did not know) were unaware, the only way our political adversaries would know is if somebody from the administration spread the story.
Conservatives have been peddling the "common knowledge" argument for some time as a way of defending the appalling leak of Plame’s identity, or at least of denying its criminality. Wilson’s comments here, if accurate, directly refute that argument (Wilson and Plame’s lawyer writes here that he was unaware of her CIA status until douchebag of liberty Bob Novak blew her cover, which supports Wilson’s comments).
Our earlier posts on Novak-Plame-gate are here and here.
Please, oh please… can’t Jeff Gannon be referred to henceforth as Jeff Gannon: MALE PROSTITUTE! Please?
Here?s a picture of Jeffy-Ho, illustrating why some middle aged gay men should always be photgraphed with their shirts on? a dirty, dirty boy?
You idiot – this has nothing to do with his body. Are you paying attention and working at being stupid, or does this come naturally to you?