The mainstream media (MSM) is lamenting the end of its information monopoly caused by the internet. In a piece just published by MSM paragon The New York Times after the resignation of CNN executive Eason Jordan reporters write that "some in the traditional media are growing alarmed asthey watch careers being destroyed by what they see as the growingpower of rampant, unedited dialogue." Jordan resigned after bloggers questioned his apparent suggestion at the Davos World Economic Forum that US troops may target journalists.
No such concern here. Jordan’s downfall was caused by the CNN executives who showed him the door, not criticism from bloggers. If Jordan was proud of his comments at Davos, he could have defended himself by pressing the Forum to release the videotape of the session where he spoke, or produced evidence that US troops do target journalists. The Times reporters fired at the wrong target: Time Warner management, not demands for accountability distributed by internet, brought down Eason Jordan.
RE THE MSMmain stream media (MSM…)i found there are two other meanings currently for MSM1. men who have sex with other men2. Muscat Securities Marketsee referecences here:HIV and LGV in MSMMetro Weekly – Feb 17, 2005…. Within the MSM (men who have sex with men) community, however, thenews this month has had less to do with Cupid and roses than withinfections and “purulent …MSM index up a tad – OmanMENAFN, Middle East – Feb 15, 2005MUSCAT ? The Muscat Securities Market (MSM) saw a marginal 1.3 points,or 0.04 per cent, gain in its general index as it ended the tradingsession at 3584.31 …