Liberal Oasis has this interesting post on the ass-backwards coverage of Novak-Plame-gate by the mainstream media (MSM): they continue to ignore the real story — the probably-illegal leaking of a CIA agent’s identity for political purposes — in favor of hysterical coverage of the supposed threat to a free press that results from trying to find out who the leaker is.
After you’ve read that post, read this NYT article, in which the NYT’s Judith Miller (one of the reporters now facing jail time) reveals her astounding arrogance and self-importance in all its glory. Then read this, in case you had forgotten how those same traits, together with Miller’s blinding ambition, were a big factor in getting us into the Iraq war under false pretenses. And then reflect for a moment on the role the MSM is playing these days in helping to create a "functioning democracy" (to use Miller’s words).
Look, I like the New York Times — I really do think it’s a great newspaper. But lately, with PlameGate, Eason Jordan, Jeff Gannon, and the rest of it, one is starting to detect a siege mentality. All of the MSM, the Times included, is worried, defensive, and lashing out at perceived threats to its independence and its power. Unfortunately, that attitude only seems likely to lead to more and bigger mistakes by the MSM.
If there really was justice in America, Ms. Miller would be sitting in a dog pen in Guantanamo as we speak.
RE THE MSMmain stream media (MSM…)i found there are two other meanings currently for MSM1. men who have sex with other men2. Muscat Securities MarketCheers,DAN BLOOM, in Taiwan ……..watching……………………see referecences here:HIV and LGV in MSMMetro Weekly – Feb 17, 2005…. Within the MSM (men who have sex with men) community, however, thenews this month has had less to do with Cupid and roses than withinfections and “purulent …MSM index up a tad – OmanMENAFN, Middle East – Feb 15, 2005MUSCAT ? The Muscat Securities Market (MSM) saw a marginal 1.3 points,or 0.04 per cent, gain in its general index as it ended the tradingsession at 3584.31 …
Dear David,Congratulations! This blog is thoughtful, creative, and inspiring.However, I am curious about your political views on the Middle East. Perhaps they are posted under a title I didn’t recognize as related.Having read Dershowitz’ The Case For Israel, I am painfully aware of the lack of understanding about and compassion for Israel, more frequently found amongst progressives than is found in any other political group except those who are blatantly anti-semitic. I also know progressives are especially sensitive to being experienced as unfair to Israel in their views.I am interested in learning from you, in case you are a progressive who views Israel as the “aggressor,” in the middle east, what facts have led to your conclusion. At least you are someone I admire for basing his opinion on facts, not assumptions or beliefs.Any perspective on this would be most welcome.Thanks again for the insightful writing, which I think is powerful at times, as well.Keep going, you’ll be writing for Atlantic soon!Eve
Eve, many thanks for your comment. In general, I view the middle east as too complicated for someone like me who doesn’t know a whole lot about it to opine on very frequently – that’s why you haven’t seen much about it on this blog. That said, I do not view Israel as “the aggressor” – that’s way too simplistic for my taste. There’s no shortage of blame to go around in that part of the world. The one post I’ve made on Israel-related issues on this blog is here – I hope you’ll read it and tell me what you think. And I hope you’ll keep visiting us here. Thanks again.