Must-read about the Allston-Brighton-Brookline State Rep race in this week’s Phoenix. Lots of helpful information about the candidates, including a bit of personal texture, e.g.:
"With his unsettlingly intense demeanor ? he looks like someone who?staken way too much ephedrine ? Glennon won?t be charming his way intothe hearts of undecided voters."
Hrm… Well, that’s "Fair and Balanced" for you … but at least it’s vivid.
And this sounds kind of like our endorsement:
Of all the Democrats in the race, Schofield seems most capable ofpresenting an articulate explanation of why, exactly, he is a liberal.(In the Brookline debate, he invoked the example of FDR and citedgovernment?s obligation to check mounting corporate power.)
Cool. I’ll take that seven days a week and twice on Sundays, please.