The state Senate is expected to vote Wednesday on Senate President Travaglini’s bill to make clear that stem cell research, including somatic cell nuclear transfer (a/k/a "therapeutic cloning") is legal in Massachusetts. This bill would allow the important research already underway at Harvard and elsewhere to move forward free of worries about legality (such worries arise from this 1974 law).
Mitt Romney, our "pro-business" Governor, is of course expected to veto this pro-life, pro-jobs, pro-science measure. Even though people with much more impressive pro-life credentials than his have come out in support of therapeutic cloning. The conservative Boston Herald correctly calls for passage "by a margin that will make it abundantly clear to the governor and to researchers eagerly awaiting its passage, that Massachusetts is prepared to set wise policies unhindered by base political motives."
So it is essential that this bill pass both chambers of the state legislature by a veto-proof 2/3 majority. Call, write, or email your state senator and state representative now. Make sure they understand how important this bill is.
Not sure who your rep or senator is, or how to reach them? This excellent website will tell you everything you need to know.