This is from my friend Alison:
…The Terri Schiavo case is really getting to me onseveral levels. It’s heartbreaking, and I feel for both the parents andher husband. But, the fact that it has become such a highlightedpolitical thing is really hurting me, because, if nothing else, itundermines any sanctity of marriage that this administration hastrumpeted about so consistently. Of course, it’s a huge problem thatTerri didn’t have a living will to deal with this circumstance. But I’mamazed that no one has brought up the fact that the bond of marriagebetween her and her husband is one of mature, adult trust, as well asthe care I’m assuming he’s felt for her for the last 15 years. If theBush administration holds the sanctity of marriage in such high esteem,how can they not see this as a challenging stance that interferes withthat bond of trust and care?
Well, the administration (and Republicans generally) have been consistent in ignoring "mature, adult trust." The term "family values" is another word for "paternalistic, state-dictated morality", after all. So the whole political hullaballoo is a surprise only in degree, but not in essence. At least the GOP’s being up front about it.
If you want full-bore, white-hot outrage over this issue, hop over to Oliver Willis and fill ‘er up. Warning: could corrode your stomach.
And in case you’re feeling like the GOP’s a little nuts over this, you’ve got company (thanks OW).
The ‘sanctity of marriage’ and ‘mature adult trust’ arguments would hold water if he hadn’t been living with another woman, who he calls his fiance and with whom he has 2 children, since 1997 (7 years after Terri’s initial collapse). Presumably, they had been dating from before that.His first request to remove Terri’s feeding tube came in 1998.His guardianship should have stopped and divorce proceedings should have moved forward on her behalf for cause when he initially committed adultery.