We have reported several times (most recently here) on what we see as the mainstream media’s … well … stupid approach to the investigation into douchebag of liberty Bob Novak’s outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame.
You’ll be pleased to know that the MSM seems now to have surpassed its earlier achievement in stupidity, a feat that we thought might not be possible. As we noted yesterday, the reporters who risk jail time for refusing to give up their sources (Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper) have sought en banc review before the full D.C. Circuit court of appeals. Now, the WaPo reports (hat tip: HB), a veritable cavalcade of MSM stalwarts have filed a brief in support of rehearing. And, apparently, the point of this brief is to insist that a hearing on whether the leaking of Plame’s identity as a CIA agent constituted a crime should be held before considering whether the reporters should be required to name their sources. Presumably, this would be a public hearing at which the special prosecutor would have to convince a judge in open court, by disclosing his evidence, that the leaker did indeed violate the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982.
Let’s think about this for a sec.