So Tom DeLay is gearing up for a counter-attack against those who want his corrupt hide gone from our halls of Congress.
That is wonderful. The more people know about Tom DeLay, the less they are going to like him and his associates. The more he is out front in attacking the forces of reform, the better the reformers look by comparison. Everybody’s seen this movie before: the supervillain, finally surrounded by the good guys, tries to go out in a blaze of glory, taking the good guys out with him.
Tom DeLay has only been powerful insofar as he’s been able to mostly duck the spotlight. Newt Gingrich used to be the lightning rod, so DeLay was free to maneuver behind the scenes. Does anyone think that Denny Hastert is the real power in the House? Hastert owes his speakership to his loyalty to DeLay, who wouldn’t have dared run for Speaker himself — he knew he’d be less effective if he was the center of attention.
So let’s have a big conversation about Tom DeLay. How does he smell to the average American — heck, the average Texan, or the average resident of the 22nd Texas district? As long as we keep pounding the facts and the law, we won’t even need to pound the table. Just keep the focus where it belongs.
Sunshine cures rot. Mr. DeLay, would you care to step outside into the light?
Tom DeLay is an unethical, sorry excuse for a human being. He is pondscum. He needs to be removed from power immediately.