In response to our recent post on the upcoming gay pride event in Jerusalem, Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum (who is quoted in the NY Times article discussing the event) sent us this letter:
Regarding "Hate: an equal opportunity affliction," the clerics opposing WorldPride 2005 in Jerusalem are united in bigotry. The irony is that these clerics could never come together for an interfaith gathering before, but their fear of us certainly seems to be uniting them.
In these times of intolerance and suspicion, from the home of three of the world’s great religions, we will proclaim that love knows no borders. I am immensely proud of the growing coalition of clergy of all faiths, straight and gay, who show the world a Jerusalem which is open and loving, rather than a Jerusalem so often projected of violence and hatred.
We refuse to allow our great religious traditions to be hijacked by narrow-minded definitions. At this time in history we stand together to be seen and heard as a people who seek to advance the rights of all people to proclaim their unique holiness. Jerusalem does not belong to any one person or sect or denomination. It belongs to all of us.
Yours truly,
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
North American Chair WorldPride Jerusalem 2005
Rabbi Congregation Beth Simchat Torah
And let us say, "Amen."