So I cross-posted my "Baker for Governor??" post over at Daily Kos. And the comment thread it generated, though not huge, is pretty amazing (at least to me). In particular, one Kos commenter and diarist called "AmericanHope" basically called me a racist, an elitist, and a traitor to the "progressive" cause for daring to suggest that Charlie Baker might be a smart person, a tough candidate, and even a decent Governor. (Thanks to sco for coming to my defense!)
Wow. With friends like that in the supposedly "progressive" movement, who needs Tom DeLay? As long as we can continue to stand around in a circular firing squad, the right-wingers can just laugh as we lose, and lose, and lose again.
It’s funny – AmericanHope’s little tag line on his Kos comments reads "You will determine whether rage or reason guides the United States in the struggle to come. You will choose whether we are known for revenge or compassion." Uh huh. Sounds like rage and revenge, if this guy has his way.
UPDATE: Another Kossack called "Chippendale" has joined the "David’s positive comments about Baker prove that he’s evil or at least has a hidden agenda" bandwagon. Excellent.
brittain33 says
If your site draws 50,000+ people who have nothing more in common than a shared opposition to the guy in the White House, you are going to get all sorts of lunatics along with the people who are worth listening to.
david says
I know. (Actually, I checked the stats – dKos gets 400,000 hits a day. Amazing.) I wasn’t shocked that it happened. Just a bit surprised at the form it took.
billy says
believe me the people at kos have alot more in common than the hatred for bush that most of the country shares. we have progressive values. dont forget progressives created social security, medicare, and balanced the budget in the 90’s thereby shoring up social security fot eh future, all WITHOUT A SINGLE VOTE from Republicans. i guess one could say all that republicans have in common is a hatred for america.
ken-m says
The problem arises when we stop being reality based (like the election farud crazies) and start being partisan hacks. I would vote for Bill Weld over, say, Tom Reilly. Many at Kos would say that I am a Republican/fascist because of that. Some of them just go too far.
brittain33 says
Billy, I wasn’t meaning to denigrate Daily Kos. I post their somewhat regularly under the same handle. However, the term “progressive” is in such flux at this stage that you often have two self-identified progressives going at each other in a given thread over gay marriage or whether we should support Bob Casey, Jr. over workers’ issues when he’s pro-life. Opposition to Bush is the one issue you can guarantee that everyone there has in common. Of course there’s much more than that which is positive which most Kossacks agree on.
billy says
i have noted the same fights between dems at kos. unfortunately the gop are followers and are told what to think and what their positions are, so there is little dissent.dems are leaders and they fight over ideas. hence the disagreements.i have advocated that we should leave infighting aside for now and go with those who have the best chance of winning even if not ideologically pure. at least until we are back in the majority where we belong.
sco says
I think it’s hilarious that we both crossposted from our own blogs at roughly the same time. You ended up being accused of being a Republican operative and I ended up starting a flame war.The things we do for page views…
david says
It is totally hilarious. I just read through yours. Maybe we should stick to our own blogs.
charley-on-the-mta says
Well hell, we sure did find the hot button, didn’t we? I really wish that gay marriage wasn’t anywhere near as controversial, and I wish it were OK to say that there are decent Republicans out there.I can dream, right? Can’t we all just get along?