Some interesting articles from the papers.
- A story in the Herald that, to me, sums up very nicely what’s at stake in the gay marriage debate.
- Two men in their 70s: "This has given us peace of mind. The legal benefits are so important at this stage in life. Now if something happens, we can be involved in decisions about health and death and inheritance."
- Two middle-aged professionals with two adopted sons: "the first year of marriage has meant better benefits on a family health plan and a sense of belonging in [their] Jamaica Plain community."
- And some interesting statistics:
- More than 6,100 marriage licenses have been issued to same-sex couples in Massachusetts.
- Approximately 32 percent of female same-sex couples have children, compared to about 15 percent of male couples.
- Roughly 36 percent of the 17,000 gay couples in Massachusetts have married.
- Gerry Leone, former First Assistant US Attorney to Michael Sullivan, has taken a private sector job so that he can run for Middlesex DA (which he could not do if he were still a US Attorney). Leone has a long and successful track record as a prosecutor and will be a strong DA candidate (I confess some puzzlement as to why being Middlesex DA is so preferable to him than being First Assistant US Attorney, but he obviously thinks it is). I also confess some puzzlement as to why Jarrett Barrios is determined to quit his Senate seat to run in a crowded field for Middlesex DA, but there’s no accounting for taste.
- There are murmurings here and there that US Rep. Michael Capuano has not ruled out running for Governor after all, despite his earlier statement that he wasn’t interested (which followed a rather public flirtation with the idea). Anybody have the inside scoop?
Please share widely!
stomv says
The Herald article mentioned something going down in front of the State House at 3pm tomorrow. Anybody got the scoop?
joe-nihan says
I too am puzzled as to why Sen. Barrios is giving up his Senate seat to run for Middlesex County DA. I read in Sundays Metro West paper that Barrios is considering running for Michael Capuano seat, very strange…I have been a supporter of Sen. Barrios for sometime now but the more I read of him in the papers makes me think he?s just using the DA?s race to get his name out there for a bigger race and or to use the DA seat as a stepping stone. It?s funny, I thought the Governors race would be the race to watch, but it turns out that the DA?S race is the race to watch. During the convention I had the chance to finally meet Gerry Leone and catch up with my friend Sen. Barrios again, I gotta admit, as a long time Barrios supporter, I was more impressed with Mr. Leone. I had a chance to check his website and his credentials are very impressive. I think the website is or .org cant remember which one. I hate to say this, because I?ll always support Jarrett, but I truly think Leone is the guy to be the next DA. Sen. Barrios is a great legislature and I would love to see him stay in the Senate and or make the jump to Congress but having a 4 year old son I think I?d rather have an experienced prosecutor rather than a legislature protecting my family.
the-troll says
You are right about Leone, Joe. And also right about Barrios as far as this being a stepping stone. Middlesex DA is high profile job. He is usually lead story 7 out of 10 weekends if he wants to be. Every homicide is anoopotunity to be on tv. And jared is a media whore.Being Middlesex D.A. is better job and steeping satone for lLeone. His position at US attorneys office is political, David. He has short life there, and many would argue including me, that being Middlesex DA is better gig then 1st assistant US attorney.Right now he is a cog in the wheels being pushed from washington. He has always served under democratic prosecutors before (not sure if he worked for ralph martin) and as Middlesex DA he can set and implement his own policies. Not someone eleses.
worldcitizen says
stomv, I received this on the MassEquality email list–ANNIVERSARY PHOTO ? Tuesday, May 17thBe part of the official, one-year anniversary photograph at the Massachusetts State House. The photograph will be delivered to the Legislature as we continue our campaign to stop the anti-gay constitutional amendment that would strip away equal marriage rights.Time: 3:00 PM. Official photo will be at 3:30 sharp.Where: Boston Common Steps with the Gold Dome of the State House in the background. (Rain Location: Nurses Hall inside the State House)Who’s Invited: Newlyweds, fiancees, children, parents, siblings, neighbors, and all friends and supporters of marriage equality.
cos says
I think Middlesex DA is seen as a stepping stone to Attorney General (makes sense, Middlesex is the most populous county), and Attorney General as a stepping stone to the Democratic nomination for Governor.
stomv says
^ Thanks worldcitizen.I’m going to try and drop in. As a married man (to a woman), there’s nothing like adding a little noise to the idea that every person in the photo is a hellbound flaming queer.(end snark)
the-troll says
You could be a closet hellbound flaming queer.
joe-nihan says
I agree, I spoke with Mr. Leone for a solid 5 minutes, the guy was truly sincere about his intentions and reasons why he wanted to be the next DA. I truly don?t think he?s using this as a stepping stone, he was perhaps one of the most sincere candidates I have ever met, plus the guy through the Shoe Bomber in Jail. How great is that
stomv says
“You could be a closet hellbound flaming queer.”Touchee.
the-troll says
Now that Capuano is thinking of jumping back into govs race Barrios will now be looking at that. That is what he covets. And he has been ignoring Suffolk County part of his Senate district lately and pissing people off. But that makes up big part of Congressional District.Barrios is in a political pickle right now and is crying to his partner and brains behind the operation, Doug, for advice. Go Leone!