… and we’re here to help. LiberalOasis notes that on the two judges that Frist and the GOP are trotting out first, Dems need to let people know exactly why we’re showing some spine:
Sen. Mark Pryor?s performance on CNN yesterday was not promising.
Asked what?s wrong with the nominees, his initial response appeared to be an attempt to stall for time: ?Well, gosh, there’s a long list of things…?
Every Dem needs to knock that question out of park, without hesitation.
So, get ready for your easily-digested, concise — and, by the way, quite true — talking points:
- Priscilla "Enron" Owen took money from Enron and then ruled cases in their favor.
- Janice Rogers Brown equates the New Deal with socialism and societal decay.
It’s going, it’s going…
Please share widely!
I feel like this has been talked to death. Probably because I read dailykos.com, and it’s the big subject right now.Not that I don’t think we need to keep talking about it, but man…all this crazy historically unprecedented power grab crap is wearing me down fast. (It’ll pass soon, I promise.)I just hope that this is the death knell of the Republicans as a party in power. They know that hitching their star to the religious right is…risky at best, and completely moronic at worst, but it’s like a drug – they need their fix, if they want to get the nomination in their own party. But it’s more and more obvious to the rest of humanity where they are headed – and the majority doesn’t like it (witness Shiavo and the SS debate).The ’06 Congressional elections are key. Even more important, I think, than the presidential in ’08.