We noticed a new entrant on the local blogging scene: "Cape Ann Dem" will be covering "topics of interest to residents of the Cape Ann area of Massachusetts, particularly in the political arena."
This is good news. With Noho and Fred Clarkson in western Mass., Eisenthal in central Mass., .08, [UPDATE: Chimes at Midnight,] and ourselves in the Boston ‘burbs, [UPDATE: Cape Cod Works on, you guessed it, Cape Cod,] and now Cape Ann on the North Shore, we’re seeing the emergence of a statewide network of Massachusetts blogs, each plugged into its own local scene. Bodes well for the role of the blogosphere in local politics!
Please share widely!
I’d love to see the metronorthwest represented…I’m in Lowell. I’d start a blog myself, but I’m not sure what sort of time committment it would be…research is not my strong suit (except for reading blogs).Have any advice? The only major newpaper around here is the Sun, which is not a place to watch progressive politics. Therefore, gathering news here might be a bit on the hard side.
A lot of time i bet. These guys do a great job. And research time is essential. You need to be committed.I am not. and it showsI salute them.But if you get a local up there and give brief comments on state and local pols you will get comments. Lowell has a lot goin on politically.
Thanks for the mention, David. I’m envisioning the Cape Ann Dem site as a group blog, based on the amount of writing talent that I’ve met locally, along with the interest in publicizing issues.So for now, it’s a one man show, and I’ll keep looking over the shoulder to see who is following.Best of luck to Lynne and anyone else who’s thinking about doing something. We all need to do what we can, and then hope that our work inspires others to join us in working together.
Yeah, sometimes unfortunately. ;)I’m pretty connected up here, with local groups and political movements. I was on the committee that got the anti-PATRIOT Act resoltuion passed up here. Our City Council meetings are televised so I could keep a better eye on that too. I know reporters at the Sun (progressive ones too) and also have a business here. I know local lawyers.But putting that all together in a daily blog seems really daunting!!
You forgot “The Chimes at Midnight” Menetomy (okay…Arlington) Massachusetts least subtle pro-sanity liberal type blog!:)
do weekly postings lynn
Thanks to those who pointed out my omissions! I’ve updated accordingly.
This thread is a good opportunity for me to say THANK YOU to Blue Mass Group and all the other blogs you mention, which I also visit regularly. I think you all are doing a great job and making a real contribution to the political environment.And thanks to fellow commenters, too! The upsurge in chatter lately has kept me coming back even more often than usual.
Yes, big big thanks to all who read and comment here, including those who disagree with us most vigorously.Lynne, if you’ve got eyes and ears and are involved in things in Lowell that the Sun isn’t covering, then you are the story. Post as much as you can, when you can. As Troll say, if you did once or twice a week, you’d be doing a great service.
Arg. “As Troll says” — sheesh, it’s catching.
If I’m not mistaken, this is the story of Left in Lowell.