Conservative guru Grover Norquist, originator of the charming "get [the federal government] down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub" quip, has gotten swept up in DeLayGate. Turns out Norquist was a little too chummy with nefarious lobbyist and friend-of-Tom-Delay Jack Abramoff. Oopsie.
A congressional committee headed by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) tried for six months to negotiate with Norquist regarding records of his group, Americans for Tax Reform, which the committee wanted to see in connection with its Abramoff-related investigation. Norquist refused, so finally the records have been subpoenaed. Norquist’s response when asked about his organization’s little legal problem:
McCain hates me.
Well DUH, everyone with half a brain hates him…what makes him think McCain is any different?[/snark]
Awwww, poor Grover. Yup, that’s a pretty lame line. Look, whenever someone responds to accusations with a flat-out ad hominem argument, and they can’t really refute the substance of the claim, that’s gotta mean there’s something to it. “Wah, my accusers are big meanies!!” is just not a convincing argument.
In case you forgot, back in March, Romney changed his stance on closing corporate tax loopholes after Norquist barked at him.Fun fact: Norquist was in the same Harvard class as Deval Patrick.