Nice, another alterna-press mention of the MA blogosphere, this time in the Valley Advocate of Springfield:
In the past year, Massachusetts has developed its own mini-blogosphere.It is still rather nascent, but there is a core group of bloggersemerging who are concerned with state politics. And to these newbloggers, Deval Patrick has almost a "rock star" status. All of themare talking about him. Here are some selected excerpts:
Etc. Thanks to Frederick Clarkson for the steer — you can read his take on all this here.
I also should point out that although the idea was certainly out there before sco put up his comments about Patrick’s convention speech, the precise wording of the Advocate’s cover ("Our Obama") comes directly from sco’s quote. (I see that sco noticed as well. Take a bow over there in Watertown.)
As sco says, the reason we’re getting noticed is because hardly anyone else is covering what we’re covering. To pretty much everyone else in the media, the gay marriage plank was the story from the convention, even though its adoption was absolutely pro-forma. Even to the Phoenix, which does very good local reporting, the story of the convention was that of stagnation and insularity. It seems like the bloggers, perhaps due to our naiveté, star-struckness and inexperience, were the ones to realize that something actually happened there.
… By the way, I just got that robo-call from Patrick, too. Also, a cardboard cut-out of Patrick just came up to my door and asked for my vote. I shook a Deval Patrick inflatable dummy’s hand in line at Dunkie’s this morning, and I’m going bowling tonight with a holographic Deval Patrick projection. I’m on the simulacrum short list!
david says
I was considering adding this post to the nominations for the BMG “best post title” award, but then I saw that sco had a similar idea on his related post. This post is therefore disqualified on the grounds of non-uniqueness. So the excellent “ring thing bling bling” post is still the only entrant.
charley-on-the-mta says
Well, I thought of it before I saw sco’s post, read his post, and then revised my whole @#$ thing.
steven-leibowitz says
I think if Deval Patrick is getting rock star status, it’s at least in stark contrast to the other presumed candidates :).