David Brooks has a really eye-opening column today about how France and the Netherlands’ anti-Europe votes show that the continent is slouching towards Monte Carlo:
Forgive me for making a blunt and obvious point, but events inWestern Europe are slowly discrediting large swaths of Americanliberalism.
Most of the policy ideas advocated by Americanliberals have already been enacted in Europe: generous welfaremeasures, ample labor protections, highly progressive tax rates,single-payer health care systems, zoning restrictions to limit bigretailers, and cradle-to-grave middle-class subsidies supportingeverything from child care to pension security. And yet far fromthriving, continental Europe has endured a lost decade of relativedecline.
So, I guess his argument is that Europeans should give up their very high standard of living without a fight, hit the sweatshop floor and get crackin’ for 16 hours a day?
Look, this is utter nonsense. Sure, maybe there are too many strikes in France. Germany has had a tough time integrating the old East. But Great Britain hates hates hates Tony Blair for getting them into an unnecessary and costly war, and they still elected him Prime Minister. Why? Well, the economy is doing well, and the standard of living is pretty high.
And here’s Brooks’ genius, folks:
Anybody who has lived in Europe knows how delicious European life canbe. But it is not the absolute standard of living that determines apeople’s morale, but the momentum. It is happier to live in a poorcountry that is moving forward – where expectations are high – than itis to live in an affluent country that is looking back.
I beg to differ. It’s better to see a doctor when you’re sick, live a long life, and get nice summer vacations. The idea that people should just want to give that is foolish. That’s what all nations should aspire to. We should encourage, wheedle, cajole and, if necessary, coerce those nations that oppress and enslave their own people for the almighty dollar to start thinking about how good life could be if you actually gave a damn about your neighbor. That’s a future I can get enthusiastic about. What does Brooks’ future look like? Longer hours, lower pay, less vacation, less time raising your kids, higher anxiety, more heart attacks, and if you’re poor and sick, well, tough luck.
If it’s a choice between "nasty, brutish and short" and "delicious" … well gosh, I’ll take "delicious". Am I nuts?
You’re not nuts. Someone needs to explain to these fuckers that the Bible wasn’t written by Adam Smith and isn’t called “The Wealth of Nations.”