It looks like London got bombed in about six places today (which obliterates my plans to post about Pat Robertson, Bono and the One Campaign). It seems likely that there will be a lot more than the mere two deaths currently reported.
Romney raised the security level on the T this morning, but I’m not sure exactly what that means. So I drove Mrs. Charley to work downtown today. I sure hope they’re doing more than just this:
At the North Station Commuter Rail hub in downtown Boston, a U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent was on hand with a dog, alongwith transit and local police officers.
Great, dogs. Be safe, everyone.
Please share widely!
Give me a freaking break. Today’s events in London weren’t an attack on subways, they were in attack on London. Any extra security outside of the UK is downright foolish and wasteful… and in a small sense works into the pocketbooks of the bad guys by discouraging mass transit in favor of more gasoline consumption via automobiles…
Well, stomv, I admit one doesn’t make the most rational decisions when one is awoken to the news that there was a major terrorist attack on a subway system. But saying merely that they were “attacks on London” and not acknowledging that we are vulnerable to attacks ourselves is, I think, insufficient.
I’m not suggesting that any one person should or shouldn’t have altered their transit plans. I’m not going to take the stance that any particular person should or shouldn’t take the T on any given day.I was criticizing the reaction by Mitt Romney, and (later in the day) the Dept. of Homeland Security. The transit systems aren’t any more unsafe today than they were yesterday. And yet, instead of putting Dept. of Homeland Security money where it is needed most (high population densities) the GOP Congress spread the pork around the country. Instead of adequately funding public transportation (including safety and security funding), the GOP claims that it should be self sufficient, completely ignoring the fact that it provides a public good to riders and drivers, and that it is a target for terrorism, a cost not related to transporting people.I’m just frustrated that the so-called “tough on defense” GOP has done a horrible job with homeland security, and they’re never called to the table on it. They’ve used DHS as a gravy train, with us blue staters no safer but taxed higher to pay for extra security in Wyoming.Bah.