Our so-called Governor has finally opened his mouth about Sen. Rick Santorum’s outrageous "Boston made me do it" theory on clergy sex abuse, after days of letting his flacks do it. Here’s what he had to say, according to the Globe:
1. "People are entitled to their own viewpoints." Uh-oh. Not a good start.
2. His staff has ”indicated what our feelings are" to Santorum’s aides. Ooooh – my people told your people! >From bad to worse, Mitt.
3. ”I’m not going to suggest — well, let me say I am going to suggest that he’s wrong on the conclusion he’s reached." I really love that one. Speaking of flip-flops.
4. ”And hopefully upon further examination, he will realize it’s not a Boston issue. It’s a national issue, it’s a world issue, and the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church is not a Massachusetts- or Boston-centered problem." Yes, um, upon further review, and taking into account all the circumstances, I would respectfully suggest to the esteemed gentleman from Pennsylvania, that, uh, perhaps his conclusions might perhaps, uh, be open to a certain degree of question, um, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Pathetic. If Romney is so terrified of alienating people who idolize Rick Santorum that this is the best he can do after Santorum smears basically the entire population of the state that Romney allegedly governs – and only after the state’s other leaders have come out swinging – why should the people of this or any state think he’s the guy to represent their interests? I want a Governor who believes in the people of this state. And I suspect the people of the United States want a President who believes in the people of this country. Romney has again demonstrated that his true, unswerving, and undying loyalty is to himself.